

医疗编码文凭vs. Medical Coding Associate Degree

在考虑进入医疗编码领域时,一个常见的问题是,是获得副学士学位还是文凭. 下面是两种途径的快速分解,以及如何确定哪一种最适合你.

如果你想进入医疗保健行业,一个很好的选择是医疗编码. 医疗编码员在确保医疗记录得到正确解释和分配正确信息以用于保险目的方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

Medical coding is a growing field, with the U.S. 劳工统计局 (BLS),预测医疗记录和健康信息技术人员的就业将会增长 9% from 2022-2032.




If you have no previous experience in medical coding, Herzing’s 医疗编码文凭 program is a great place to start! 获得医疗编码文凭将为您在医疗保健行业的各种入门级工作做好准备, 包括编码专家, department coders or inpatient coders.  

Your diploma will set you up to analyze medical records, classify diagnoses/procedures, 分配代码等. You will work with quite a bit of data and data entry, 所以注重细节和对计算机软件程序有兴趣很重要.

Herzing的医学编码文凭课程包括解剖学课程, 生理学, 疾病过程, medical terminology and much more. 在短短12个月的时间里,你可以为参加考试做好充分的准备 Certified Coding Associate (CCA) 美国健康信息管理协会的考试.

获得此认证是确保您工作能力的关键, and Herzing sets you up to master it. 如果你有兴趣在Herzing学习你的医疗编码文凭, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a high school diploma, GED or equivalent
  • 在入学考试的几个选项之一中达到最低分数
  • Meet with a Herzing admissions advisor

Medical Coding Associate Degree

如果你已经拿到了你的文凭,并且想要提升你的职业生涯, you might consider earning your Associate Degree in Medical Coding. 就像拿文凭一样, the program prepares you to analyze medical records, classify diagnoses/procedures, 分配代码等. However, 某些工作环境和职位可能需要更高级的知识和经验, which is where an associate degree would be beneficial.

Although you learn similar concepts to the diploma program, Herzing的副学士学位课程为你准备了一套更高级的技能. 虽然与文凭相比,它是一个更长的幸运28计划, it can be completed in as few as 20 months. 在节目的最后, 你将为住院和门诊护理的编码做好准备, 并准备通过认证编码助理(CCA)考试获得认证.

有了你的副学士学位,你也将有资格进一步证明自己 Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) qualification after one year of experience in your field. You also might be qualified to work in higher-level positions.

就像软件下载的文凭课程一样, 如果你有兴趣来赫兹哲攻读医学编码学位, you must meet these requirements:

  • Hold a high school diploma, GED or equivalent
  • 在入学考试的几个选项之一中达到最低分数
  • A meeting with a Herzing admissions advisor

Your diploma prepares you to apply for entry-level positions, 而你的副学士学位可以帮助你进一步提高技能,并为你提供更高薪水的更高职位的机会.

工作环境 & 责任

Medical coders play a vital operations role, 无论是在医院, nursing facility or physician’s office. 医疗编码人员审查医疗机构向患者提供的服务记录,然后为他们分配适当的诊断代码,供医疗计费人员使用. 然后,医疗收费人利用这些代码向负责病人账单的人——通常是保险公司——提交索赔. While they work closely together, medical billing and medical coding are not the same things.

而对于那些拥有文凭和副学士学位的人来说,工作可能是相似的, 职责将根据你工作的环境和你的教育水平而有所不同. 例如, 如果你有副学士学位而不是文凭,你可能有资格担任更高级别的职位. 类似的, 要求更高学历的工作往往比只要求文凭的工作有更高的年薪. However, 如果你想快速进入医疗保健领域,获得文凭是一个很好的选择.

一旦你拿到学位, 您将能够专注于门诊编码,如在诊所工作, group practices and physician’s offices, 或者住院病人编码,包括医院和长期护理机构. Medical coding can be a very rewarding career!

Learn More About Our 医疗计费和编码 Options


* 劳工统计局 (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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